052 - Marc Edwards
Marc Edwards is the founder of Bjango, maker of many great apps
Furniture and hardware:
- An incredibly standard and old IKEA desk
- A yoga ball as a seat
- Mac Pro
- Pro Display XDR
- Magic Mouse
- Magic Keyboard
“I’ve tried almost every type of seat over the years, and I find a yoga ball the most comfortable. If nothing else, it forces me to keep moving. I like having a pretty boring and dark work environment to help keep focused, and ensure colour accuracy throughout the day.”
Podcasting and music production gear:
- Emagic AMT8
- Arturia AudioFuse 8Pre
- Sennheiser SMB7
- Triton Audio FetHead
“The AMT8 was purchased new about 20 years ago. Good audio gear lasts forever. If you have a Sennheiser SMB7, the FetHead is a great companion — it helps increase volume and reduce noise.”
- Design tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, Affinity Designer, XD
- 3D: Cheetah 3D, Blender
- Text editors: Nova (HTML/CSS), Byword (Markdown), Sublime Text (GLSL shaders, C++)
- Git Tower
- Soulver
- Xcode
- Processing
- Screenflick
- Dash
- Logic Pro X
“I do my best to work across as many design tools as possible. They all have something to offer, and I feel it’s important for me to know them all well. Tower’s my favourite Git client. Soulver is absolutely amazing as a calculator scratch pad. I am doing my best at learning Blender, but mostly failing right now, so I keep falling back to Cheetah 3D. Screenflick is the best screen recorder I’ve found. Dash gives you quick and offline access to reference documentation.”