131 - Ben Fryc

Ben Fryc is a 3D Artist and Designer at Polywork

Ben Fryc is a 3D Artist and Designer at Polywork. Not always a 3D artist, Ben was formerly a Product Designer and Manager at Mango Languages.

Working in a basement doesn't mean you can't make a little corner your own. Over the course of the past couple years, Ben has filled out a space where he can create stylized artwork for startups around the world. Ben also runs a small YouTube channel dedicated to helping people learn how to use industry standard 3D software. You can check out some of his work on Dribbble, Artstation, and Figma.





  • Cinema4D - R25
  • Octane Render
  • Adobe Creative Suite (mostly for After Effects)
  • Figma - for creating object shapes and textures for use in Cinema4D
  • Greyscale Gorilla - materials and plugins for Cinema4D


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