203 - Jack Bridger

Jack Bridger is the host of Scaling DevTools, a podcast obsessed with developer tool growth.

Jack Bridger is the host of Scaling DevTools, a podcast obsessed with developer tool growth.

He has interviewed the people behind established DevTools like Algolia, SendGrid & AWS. As well as up and coming DevTool startups like Neptune.ai and AssemblyAI to find out how side projects become unicorns.


What is your favorite item in your workspace?

I love my Ergotron monitor mount. I originally bought a cheap one but it just wasn't good enough for a big screen.

The Ergotron feels like it will last a lifetime and can be adjusted to any position with ease.

How do you spark creativity?

I try to be creative away from my desk. Sitting at the dining table with a big A3 notebook or walking in my local park with a little notepad to hand.

I try to limit desk time to getting stuff done and away-from-desk time for coming up with plans and working on ideas.

How do you manage work-life balance?

My body naturally regulates it by giving me really bad neck and shoulder pains when I spend too much time at the desk. If I spend all weekend at my desk, I'll be in agony by the following Wednesday.

So I take regular tea breaks. I try to stretch out as much as possible and go for walks at lunchtime. And I try to limit time at my desk.
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