342 - Oliur

Oliur is a UK-based content creator, designer, and photographer

Oliur's Twitter (X) bio reads: "Astronaut, accountant, doctor, lawyer, investment banker and CEO - I'm none of these things. I like creating stuff on the internet though."

And create he does.

After getting his start as a visual designer, he has branched out to have a hand in everything from media production to e-commerce stores.

He publishes tech, design, and lifestyle content to over 300,000 subscribers on YouTube and also teaches others how to create their own high quality videos from start to finish through his Video Creator Course.

Twitter (X) → twitter.com/ultralinx
YouTube → youtube.com/oliur
Personal Website → oliur.com
Wallpapers → store.oliur.com

Inside Oliur's Worspace

Oliur was previously featured in edition #127 of Workspaces. This is his updated workspace in 2023.

Oliur's Workspace Setup:

What is the most useful item in your workspace?

Most useful item on the desk is of course my 14" MBP, without that my business doesn't run. But the ProDisplay XDR is something I bought a couple years ago and would definitely buy another one if I had to. Nothing beats 6K at 32".

What does your typical daily routine look like?

8am-10am gym

11am-1pm emails and lunch

1pm-6pm in the office working on whatever projects I want for the day. Could be a website, youtube video, learning a new tool...etc.

6pm-midnight spent relaxing at home, or with friends and family. I love to watch movies, tv shows and play a lot of video games, probably too much.

How do you manage work-life balance?

Having a good balance of work as well as play everyday helps. But I've also found I work in seasons. There'll be weeks or months working on something big, then I spend a few weeks easing off, recharging.

What is your #1 tip for working from home?

Having a dedicated desk purely for work definitely helps. I also know that only I am solely responsible for things being done. If they're not I can't blame anyone else but myself.
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