414 - Neville Medhora
Neville Medhora is a skilled copywriter and the creator of Copywriting Course, where he has taught 60,000+ members how to write copy that sells. It's designed as a place to learn new copy skills, improve your messaging, and get live feedback.
With over 10+ years of experience, he has helped companies like AppSumo scale their email marketing, propelling them from 0 to 750,000+ customers in under 18 months.
He has also collected a goldmine of marketing examples at SwipeFile.com.
Twitter (X) → twitter.com/nevmed
Copywriting Course → copywritingcourse.com
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/neville-medhora-654749
Instagram → instagram.com/neville_medhora
YouTube → youtube.com/kopywriting
Neville's Workspace Tour
His workspace functions as a home office, YouTube studio, co-working space, and a guest bedroom (the couch pulls out into a queen size bed).

Workspace Items
- Sony a6400 camera with the standard included lens (I use this the most)
- Roland VR1-HD for linking microphones and video together or when filming multi-cam podcasts.
- Small soft light box
- iMac M3
- Shure smb7 mic
- Cloudlifter for mic
- CamLink for my other other office when I want to use a nice camera with my MacBook M1 laptop.
- Fully standing desk legs.
- Random Amazon desk I bought with drawers, and bolted onto the Fully standing desk legs.
- Cable skirt for desk for cable management
- Phillips Hue lights in every light and lamp in the office for ambiance
What are the most useful items in your workspace?
The full Hue lighting setup that goes from bright down to mood lighting with one button push. I’m big on lighting as ambiance as it helps me work!
How do you spark creativity?
Number one way is working with someone else next to me and I am somehow always more productive!
I will often turn down the Hue lights and get some comfy mood lighting and that helps.
I sit down on the couch in the office, pickup a book from the bookshelf, start reading, and ideas happen within minutes!
What does your typical day look like?
Generally I’lll have 1 or 2 quick calls with employees or contractors, on Thursday I do live Office Hours, and then random consulting sessions. 1-2 times a month I try to record a podcast with interview guest. I also try to hang out with a lot of current friends and new friends, a great way to learn new stuff. I meet everyone almost exclusively on X.
What is one simple copywriting tip that the average writer often overlooks?
First think about why people should care about something. People like stuff that makes them richer, better looking, smarter, or entertains them (preferably all of the above)!
Previous Workspace Layouts (Same Office)