450 - Andreas Eldh

Andreas Eldh is a designer, developer and problem solver from Stockholm

Andreas Eldh is a designer and developer that is currently working as an engineer at Linear. They recently released the Linear mobile app and he has shared a few behind-the-scenes shots that didn't make the cut.

He has worked with organizations ranging from small startups to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies.

Twitter (X) → x.com/eldh

Andreas' Workspace Tour

Workspace Items

What is the most useful item in your workspace?

It gets dark early during the Swedish winter, so good lighting is key to reduce eye strain. The LED strips I got recently really made a big difference — they give a smooth and comfortable light and look great. All the lights turn on when I log in to my computer, and turn off when I log out.

How do you spark creativity?

A good cup of coffee, peace and quiet around me and an empty calendar usually does the trick. I enjoy a distraction free environment where I can keep focus for as long as possible. I also need regular exercise to not go crazy. I have a hangboard above the office door so I can do a few pull-ups if I need to boost my energy levels.

What does your typical day look like?

After I leave my son at preschool, I make some coffee and get to work. Around noon I go to the gym for a quick workout, get lunch on the way home and then work a few more hours. I spend my time in VS Code, Slack, Linear and sometimes Zoom. After some dinner and family time I might work a bit more, play some badminton or watch a tv show with my wife.
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