015 - Kristof Morlion
Kristof Morlion is a product manager at Influo

Kristof Morlion is a product manager at Influo, a service that makes it easy for influencers, creators, brands and agencies to connect. He is also freelances creating websites, apps, videos and photos.

- 16 inch Macbook Pro (laptop does what it needs to do and it has an escape button)
- 27 inch 4K LG external screen (large but not over the top large screen)
- black Apple keyboard (a keyboard is only complete with a numeric keypad)
- Logitech MX Master mouse (hands down the best mouse available)
- Sony WH H900N headphones (prefer the sound and fit over the more popular H1000 series)
- Devine M USB mic (great mic for the money)
- Samson Resolv 50a speakers (been listening to them for 15 years)
- Pioneer CDJ-500 cd player (it survived many beer showers 20 years ago and still plays my CD's)
- currently testing the JAM Spun Out record player
- hat collection (gotta have options what to wear)
- frisbees (memories from my Get Horizontal days)
- penny board (prefered mode of transport)
- Epiphone Goth Les Paul Studio and mini Orange amp (no stairway to heaven is ever played here)
- various design / product / marketing books (makes the space look a little smarter)
- artwork by Musketon & Letterknecht & my kids (makes the space look a lot nicer)
Be sure to let Kristof know what you think of his workspace! twitter.com/morlicious 👏