235 - Raffaele Vitale
Raf Vitale is a Design Lead focusing on web3 and exploring the next big thing in AI-based applications
Raf Vitale is a Design Lead focusing on web3. He is a system specialist and cross functional design partner.
He is also busy exploring the next big thing in AI-based applications.
He has spent five years designing, collaborating and guiding big companies and founders to visualize product design bets with discovery, prioritisation, execution and storytelling, from 0 → 1 to systemic design practices.
He was previously featured and has since decided to focus on a calmer, uncluttered workspace.
Twitter → twitter.com/lfgraf

What is your favorite item in your workspace?
There is probably still Gaudi's lizard that reminds me of my first solo trip to Barcelona when I was 19. New additions, probably the OB-4 speaker and teenage engineering remote.
How do you spark creativity?
I confess publicly that I underestimated the iPad and Smart Keyboard combo. I am having a lot of fun having a productive stillness where I organise my day creatively with the iPad and Craft for notes. Plus, photography and spinning classes help me get into the flow.
How do you manage work-life balance?
My friend Frank Bach once said “Work is always going to stay, life not”. This awareness, coupled with the brutal focus in the time schedule where I am clear on what to do, helps me to achieve maximum results. "What are the 3 things at work I can have the biggest impact on?" and from making it done, no less, no more.
What do you think is the main benefit of remote work?
Being an effective and precise remote worker also improves you as a person. At communicating and listening. Remotely, it is great to communicate, prioritise and execute; at any time, at any time.