240 - Jack Zerby

Jack Zerby helps startup founders design, build, and sell products online

Jack Zerby is currently the Head of Design at Gumroad and Founder of Dogma, Design For Decks, Biddy, DOHQ, Flavors.me, and Goodsie.

He has worked for companies like Vimeo, Pentagram, Frog, R/GA and consulted for companies like Teachable, Amex, and Staked.

Twitter → twitter.com/jackzerby

Jack's wife recently redesigned his workspace to be what it is you see today. You can (and should!) see additional photos and thinking behind the redesign here!


What is your favorite item in your workspace?

My desk is definitely my fave. It’s got an old classic feel with the benefits of a modern standing desk.

How do you spark creativity?

Lo-Fi beats station on Spotify and phone on silent. Love sites like siteinspire.com, but will also go to Barnes and Noble and buy a bunch of beautiful magazines in any category.

How do you manage work-life balance?

I run everything through Notion and create tickets for all tasks for that week along with goals for each quarter. I stop work at 5:30 no matter what, eat dinner and hang with the fam till bedtime. No work on weekends helps clear my mind and prevent burnout.

What do you think is the main benefit of remote work?

No distractions, no commuting and ability to structure my day around tasks to be completed, not the amount of hours at my desk.
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