335 - Brad Cerasani
Brad Cerasani is a Designer & Engineer located in Winnipeg, Canada
Brad Cerasani is currently the Director of Web Development at Hypergiant, an AI software company that creates powerful data visualization products for decision making.
With over 15 years of experience, he has helped companies like Apple, Google, and Twitter create stellar experiences for their users.
Twitter (X) → twitter.com/bradcerasani
Instagram → instagram.com/bradcerasani
read.cv → read.cv/bradcerasani
Inside Brad's Workspace

Workspace Hardware:
- Apple Macbook Pro
- Apple Studio Display
- Herman Miller Action Office desk base with plywood top
- Herman Miller Aeron
- Leuchtturm1917 A5 dotted notebook
- Shure SM7B microphone
- Universal Audio Apollo Solo interface
- IsoAcoustics ISO Stands
- Yamaha HS80M & HS10W monitors
- ZSA Moonlander keyboard w/MT3 Susuwatari keycaps
Additional Items:
- 600/P table lamps designed by Gino Sarfatti
- Model 42 side chairs designed by Kai Kristiansen
- Modular bookcases designed by Peter Hvidt and Orla Mølgaard-Nielsen
- Oil painting by Chris Simonite
- Wurtlizer 200 electric piano
What is your favorite item in your workspace?
A polaroid of my mum's mum, or license plate from my dad's dad.
How do you spark creativity?
Creativity is more of a background thread for me; it's generally there, chewing on a task or problem set, periodically returning ideas for the conscious mind to test or validate.
How do you manage work-life balance?
No strict rules — there's push and pull there, and I think that's ok. It should be ok to put in a few extra hours when a project needs help, but it should also be ok to take an unplanned afternoon off to savour the last long days of summer.
What do you think is the main benefit of remote work?
Subtracting geography from the hiring equation helps create more diverse and meritocratic teams.