025 - Radoslav Stankov
Radoslav Stankov is the Head of Engineering at Product Hunt
- Latest MacBook Pro with touch bar and ESC key
- Brydge Stone Pro multiport hub
- Logitech HD Pro C920 webcam
- 2 of LG 24" UltraFine 4K UHD monitors
- Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless Bluetooth Headphone
- Cmhoo XL Large Mouse Pad & Computer Gaming Mouse Mat DEST
- Apple Magic Keyboard and Trackpad, I have "Bestand Stand" to connect those
- Unravel: Fast Wireless Charging, got it from a Kickstarter
- Todoist
- Bear
- Focused Task (https://github.com/RStankov/FocusedTask), an app which I wrote
- MacVim
- Alfred
- Bartender 3
- Fantastical
- iTerm
- Grammarly
- Spark
- Yoink
- Fork
- Keynote
- Irvue
- Spotify
- Chrome
- Slack
Be sure to let Rado know what you think about his workspace: twitter.com/rstankov 💬