435 - Mark Gilroy

Mark Gilroy is a coach, consultant, and content creator based in the UK

Mark Gilroy has 20+ years of experience in leadership, interpersonal dynamics, and psychometrics.

He works in the field of occupational psychology and is extremely nerdy about human behavior. When he's not doing that he runs a YouTube channel focused on tech and productivity (which doesn't take itself too seriously).

Twitter (X) → x.com/thatmarkgilroy
Instagram → instagram.com/thatmarkgilroy
LinkedIn → linkedin.com/in/mgilroy

Mark's Workspace Tour

Workspace Items

What is the most recent item that you've added to your workspace?

I've recently moved into a new studio space to help me make video content, so most of the workspace setup is new. My latest addition is the Kuxiu iPad charging stand which lets me magnetically attach my 11" iPad Pro as a second screen, whilst keep it charged up, wirelessly. I love the versatility of being able to have my iPad there as a digital notebook one minute, and then the next it's a full-fledged second screen using Apple's Universal Control feature - it's kind of magical.

How do you spark creativity?

When I'm in a creative rut, there are two foolproof methods to help me get unstuck. The first one is going to sleep; I've lost count of the number of times I've gone to bed with a problem in my head and woken up with the answer staring me in the face - the unconscious mind is great at solving problems! The second one is getting on my feet and going for a walk somewhere where there is green space - no stimulation with music/podcasts etc - the simple act of moving and being around nature is usually enough to trigger some new inspiration.

What does your typical day look like?

I live in a very bike friendly city, so I usually cycle into the studio on my e-bike and grab a large coffee to start the day. I spend some time at my desk mapping out what I want to achieve and always tackle the biggest / most complex task first. That way, after breaking for lunch, I know I've cleared the biggest mountain and it's all (theoretically) downhill from there! I try and keep any calls/meetings for afternoons only so that I always have a clear uninterrupted run at deep focus work when I have the most energy (in the morning). I have a young family so I prioritise being home for the dinner/bedtime routines in the evenings. I've learned that I'm completely useless at working at night so I try to recharge once the kids are in bed - cooking is one my favourite mindful tasks
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